Game Boosting Services
CakeBoost is one of the world’s leading providers of in-game boosting services. Thousands of customers have purchased such services and left overwhelmingly positive reviews on the company’s TrustPilot page

If you are wondering what this business is about, or considering buying a boost yourself, this article should answer your questions.

What Are Game Boosting Services?
Boosting is a very common – and controversial – occurance in online multiplayer games these days. Still, not everyone knows what it means, especially among newcomers to this type of entertainment. Essentially, a game boosting service is a transaction in which one player helps another in exchange for payment. The help can take the form of farming resources, completing quests, or grinding to reach a level or a competitive rank. It is usually done by playing from the buyer’s account, though it is also possible to hire help while continuing to play yourself. While some boosters accept payment in gold or other in-game currencies, most professional services are bought with real money.

Why Do People Pay For Boosts?
It may seem counterintuitive to pay real money for services in games. After all, games are supposed to be fun. Why would you pay someone else to have fun for you? However, boosting services are popular because they have many uses. Consider the following scenarios:
- You might have your eyes set on a specific prize in a game, but the pursuit is proving to be simply too difficult for you. Many titles lock away cosmetic rewards or powerful items behind tough challenges that not everyone could complete. Hiring a more skillful player to help out will ensure that you will get the reward, while sparing you a lot of effort and frustration;
- Another desirable prize may be gated away behind requirements that are not so much difficult as time-consuming. Maybe you would need to complete a lot of repetitive tasks, or perhaps it is a random reward with a low drop rate. Your skills may be up to the job, but do you have the time or the patience? Instead, you could get someone else to complete this task for you. Farming currencies to purchase expensive items is another version of this situation;
- There is specific content in a game that you want to check out. It could be something like the latest raid or a unique game mode. However, to unlock it, you would first need to reach a certain level, complete various quests, or farm various resources. That could be fine if you enjoy the usual gameplay or the story, but you might be sick of it already – or you may not have the time. To avoid missing out, you could let someone else unlock the content you actually want;
- Competitive PvP modes require you to prove your skill so you could climb up the ladder. Doing so is necessary to face stronger opponents that may pose an interesting challenge. The trouble is that you may first have to complete many games against weaker opponents that you would find tedious. If you are confident of your skills, you could just let someone else do the climbing for you;
- You are all set to embark on a raid or hit the game’s PvP arena – but you need a team. Finding other players to accompany you on an activity can be surprisingly difficult, especially in older titles. Even if you know reliable other players, their schedules might not align with yours. Random teammates are always a gamble and might ruin your evening. Instead, you could arrange a boost and rest easy in the knowledge that you will have qualified backup.

To sum up, we do play games to have fun – and boosting can help with just that. People find different things fun in a game. Some want to hang out with friends and impress them with rare items. Others wish to test their skills in the toughest challenge available. Players also have different levels of skill, patience for repetitive tasks, and available playtime. Boosting allows them to sidestep the obstacles to their enjoyment of a game. It lets them save time and energy for other things, in and out of the game. Since time is money, they can even come out ahead in that regard!
Freelance Versus Company Boosting
Technically, any player could provide boosting services. Advertisements for freelance boosting services are not difficult to find, if you know where to look. The problem is that the quality of such services is completely unpredictable. Some of them may be outright scammers. Others might be legit, but could lack the skills you need. Even skilled amateur boosters could struggle to find the time to perform the services they promise quickly. Trustworthy professionals are not impossible to find, but the odds are long.

That is where boosting companies like CakeBoost come in. They act as intermediaries between customers and a team of boosters. A company can vouch for the professionalism and trustworthiness of its players, its reputation serving as a guarantee of high quality. In case of disputes, its staff could step in and try to resolve the issue, compensating customers if there is cause. Its website provides players with a convenient one-stop catalog for a variety of services. For their part, boosters working with a company will not run out of orders and will also benefit from its reputation so long as they follow its rules.
What Are CakeBoost’s Advantages?
By now, boosting has become a very competitive field. Against this background, CakeBoost manages to stand out due to the following strengths:
- The company has been active in the boosting field since 2015. That means its reputation is well-established and easy to confirm. Furthermore, its services are well-polished due to this long experience, resulting in greater convenience for customers;
- Over the years, CakeBoost has assembled a deep pool of trusted, vetted boosters. Many of those boosters specialize in different games or modes. This specialization allows the company to assign the most suitable players to any boost, ensuring the fastest and smoothest possible completion;
- Relatedly, CakeBoost supports a wide spread of services. The games it covers include different versions of World of Warcraft, recent Call of Duty titles, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, and more. Its services extend from leveling, gearing, and currency farming to coaching and providing teams for high-level PvP competitions;
- CakeBoost’s service philosophy is very modular. Most of the services it provides come with many options. Customers can choose between piloted or selfplay boosts. They can specify additional objectives, such as finding secret chests during raids. Different gaming platforms are supported. It is also possible to request a custom boost if no existing options satisfy the client’s needs;
- The company’s pricing policy is to make boosts as affordable as possible. Its services are often cheaper than those of its competitors. The modular service model allows players to avoid overpaying for services they do not need. There are also frequent special offers, bundle deals, and bonuses for repeat customers, resulting in considerable savings;
- CakeBoost ensures the safety of customer accounts and identities through the latest technology and security best practices. The former includes cutting-edge HTTPS encryption and VPN data redirection. The latter means that client data never falls into the hands of any unreliable third parties. All boosts are done manually and kept secret, heading off account bans and other problems;
- Last but not least, CakeBoost prides itself on customer service. Its support team can be contacted on a 24/7 basis through the site chat, company e-mail, or one of several popular chat programs. The staff can not only answer questions, but also consult prospective customers on boosts and make recommendations. Once a boost begins, the customer would receive regular progress updates through the chosen chat program.
Final Thoughts
Like it or not, boosting is here to say. That is because boosters provide a genuinely valuable and valued service. By helping customers overcome challenges that would otherwise keep them from enjoying their games, boosters help maintain those games’ player bases. After all, not everyone who likes some things about a game will always have the time, the skill, and the inclination to do everything themselves. As a rule, there is no shame in asking for help, and that applies to boosting too. If you want help with a game, go to CakeBoost’s website now and see if any of their services suit your needs!